The Pitcher's Blog
Players, Parents, and Stress
Baseball is hard enough to play when there is no stress.
I'm afraid that children's baseball success has increasingly become the life dream of their parents. Our children still manage to find pockets of fun, but Mom and Dad - not as much.
Here are three examples of parent conversations which illuminate how parent stress hampers a young players ability to play the game at his or her best...
Pitchers Pitch, period. Part 1
I'm afraid young pitchers are forgetting how to pitch. With all of the videos showing internet sensations throwing f...
Baseball 2022 - The Game is At Home
It is difficult for even the most knowledgeable baseball people to stomach what is happening with the MLB owners lock...
You Can Hit 90 on the Gun, Now What?
There are few better feelings in baseball than throwing a good hard fastball by a hitter.
Power and velocity videos f...
Do Not Stop Throwing: 3 Tips for College Pitching Prospects in 2020
The year of COVID-19 has forced us to look at daily life – our routine – in a new way. Distance learning, parents con...
Hurry Up and Wait – The Insanity of the Coronavirus Pandemic
How badly do you want to play?
Badly enough to sit at home through the COVID-19 pandemic?
It seems the more we try to...
Baseball Recruiting Video — Do You Really Need One?
Recruiting is not an exact science. I'm sure if you could interview most college coaches they will each have a story of the kid "that got away" or "they completely missed on." It is not something for the weak minded or feint of heart, this recruiting thing.
Pitcher vs. Radar Gun - Searching for the Magic 90 mph Fastball
The radar gun can be evil at times but it does not lie. Pitchers anxiously await the arrival of the radar gun to game...
The Best Curveball Training Tools
Today, I'm rounding up some of my favorite training tools for practicing throwing the Curveball.
Travel Baseball Tryouts: 5 Things to Consider as Parent or Athlete
In most every part of our lives we are looking for the best "fit". A place where we can live, work, and perform with happiness and fulfillment...
How to Throw a Great Curveball: 4 Simple and Effective Techniques
It's time to talk a little bit about the pitch. The pitch everyone wants to throw, the pitch that made Dwight Gooden, Bert Blyleven, and Sandy Koufax unbeatable on the mound, the seemingly law-defying pitch — the curveball.
Merry-Go-Rounds and Ferris Wheels: 6 Great Baseball Lines That Have Stayed With Me
If you stay around baseball long enough you will receive the gift of wisdom from some wise baseball people. Here are some thoughts from people who have crossed my baseball life and a short story behind each...