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Baseball 2022 - The Game is At Home

It is difficult for even the most knowledgeable baseball people to stomach what is happening with the MLB owners lockout and the negotiations with the players union.  After two years of pandemic-limited baseball action and now this non-COVID delay we are all hoping for a regular year of baseball.

My advice?  Play as much baseball as you can this year.  The game is alive in our towns, parks, and backyards every year.  In 2020 we had much of this taken away and we recall how empty our baseball lives were.  2021 brought baseball normalcy back.  We need to avoid a return to the emptiness just because we aren't able to watch our favorite MLB teams once again this spring.

Baseball is indeed a classroom.  The lessons of confidence, perseverance, and cooperation that baseball brings to us is so important.  We lost many lessons during the pandemic. 

Many players are behind in skills development - ask a high school coach and I'm sure they will verify this fact.  No one is to blame for this, it is one of those residual effects of a once in a lifetime scenario.  The way to regain and catch up with skill development is to play and practice more!

So, if your favorite team is not on TV right now do not be discouraged and do not let that take away your love of the game.  There is a lot of baseball to be played and enjoyed this year.

Baseball is a great game because a player does not have to necessarily be the most physically imposing specimen out there - you know, the one with "the tools" - to be successful.  You don't need to be the biggest, fastest, or strongest.  

You just need to be really good at baseball. This begins by playing with family and friends at your home and in your hometown.  Keep playing and good things will come to you.

Have a great 2022 season.




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