Parents, coaches, and players alike need to work together to create a positive environment where stress is minimized, and growth is encouraged. It takes mental toughness from everyone involved to navigate the ups and downs of the game. Both victories and defeats are opportunities to learn and grow, and what might feel like a setback in the moment is often not as significant in the long run as it seems.

Pitchers Pitch, period. Part 1

I'm afraid young pitchers are forgetting how to pitch.  With all of the videos showing internet sensations throwing fastballs in the 90mph range at age 15 it is easy to see how a young player can get a false impression of what pitching really is.

Pitching is always about getting batters out.   Don't let them score.

Six thoughts - which have nothing to do with videos or radar guns:

1.  If you give up three runs in an inning, don't let them get eight or nine.  Stop the bleeding right now. Your offense can get four or five for you.  Keep your head.

2.  That runner who just hit a two-run triple has to stay on third.  Do what you can to keep him there.  You never know when you are stopping a game winning run.

3.  Don't quit out there on the mound - do not give up.  Try every pitch you know in any sequence you can think of.   If you must change your grip, do it.  If you struggle enough, the coach will get you out of there - just don't try to be bad and give up.  It sounds silly, but some pitchers get mentally defeated quickly.  

4.  Don't throw the same bad pitch, in the same bad location, more than twice in a row.  Make an adjustment.  If it bounces twice, throw it over the batter's head.   No coach, teammate, or fan wants to see someone keep doing the same thing if it isn't successful.  Learn how your body works so you can make corrections on the fly.

5.  A starter's outing is divided in three parts - pregame warmups, the first inning, and the rest of the game.  I have seen pitchers feel great in the bullpen and throw a gem or get shelled in the first (been there, done that).  Do all you can to get out of the first inning cleanly.  If you lost the good fastball command you had in the pen, go to off speed to get out of the inning.  The best pitchers have the best imagination.  If I had the answer to getting through the first inning without a problem, I would be quite wealthy.    Neither I, nor most coaches, have the perfect secret to consistent first inning success.  Just remember that your team is counting on you to keep them in the game so you have to do what you can to get off to a good start.  Often the blood starts flowing and the adrenaline subsides by the second inning, and you will feel better.  Do what you can.

6.  Relievers have to be smart about how they warm up.  If you take a longer time than coaches like to get loose, keep your eye on the situation and keep your body and arm moving ahead of time.  Don't be surprised by a coach telling you to get hot, be ready to run to the pen and get the arm throwing a ball.  If you only have time to step and throw before you get called, don't worry.  You have eight warmup pitches to find it.  Just get the arm moving in a hurry.  There is no excuse for standing around and not moving.  

 Be the best competitor you can be.  Work hard, but also study yourself hard too!

You are your best coach!  Trust yourself.






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