What is Your Off-Season Routine? Get some rest, recover, then begin to fuel the body!

Tip #20, High School, Senior Year/Plenty of Time to Make your College Choice

Congratulations to all College Commits! National Signing Day is November 13. Emotions are flying high at this time of...

Pitching Pointer #19 - If You Want to Throw Faster, be Ready to Throw Slower First.

You don't have to be "old school" type to understand how many baseball training programs are floating on the internet...

Pitching Easy Pointer #18 - Are Analytics the "Law"? There is more to Pitching than Numbers.

I love watching velocity readings. As a coach, it is exciting to see a player increase their velocity, achieving a ve...

Pitching Easy Pointer #16, March 25, 2024 - Game Day Pitcher's Guide for Starters and Relievers

  Starting Pitchers: Clear your mind – keep outside distractions to a minimum. You get to play baseball for the next...

Pitching Easy Pointer #15, Mar. 19, 2024 - Throwing Hard, Harder, and Hardest - When are we Satisfied?

My middle school gym teacher once told us, "Throwing a ball fast takes a great deal of athleticism."  I always rememb...

Pitching Pointer #13, Feb. 13, 2024. Getting the Curveball Over the Plate - Keep it Simple.

College prospects, if there are coaches coming to watch you, they likely know that you have a college level fastball - or a projectable one.  When they come out to watch you compete in a game, they are looking at your secondary stuff.  Think of it this way, an elite program wants elite secondary stuff, a lower-level college program is looking less intently at the quality of the secondary pitches.   It's up to you as to how far you want to take your pitching career.

Pointer #10: Keep in-season lifting to ONE Day per week. Can you do it?

This could be the most challenging task facing pitchers. After all, many of you added strength and size during the off-season. You do not want to lose it.  You won't - if you stick to the one day per week schedule.

Is it Time to Play or Wait Your Turn? Playing and Coaching through Sport and Position Specialization

Football, cross-country, soccer, swimming, basketball, volleyball, hockey, track and field, lacrosse, golf, baseball, softball, field hockey. How many of our kids play one of these?  How many play two? Three? Four? It is an ongoing debate - sport specialization vs. playing multiple sports for young athletes.  Is there a correct answer? 

Pitchers Pitch, Period - part 2 "Summer, NIL, and the Transfer Portal"

Pitchers Pitch, period,, part 2, NIL and the Transfer Portal  If you are coaching a baseball team between June 1 to around August 15, this is one phrase you do not like to hear from your players:  "It's just summer ball."   Granted, there is a natural let down from the rah-rah intensity of a college baseball spring to the more serene, developmental baseball experience of summer baseball.  It is a "winning at all costs" mindset vs. a "I'm trying to get better for next year" thought process of the summer baseball leagues.  What other time will a ballplayer be able to work on making adjustments with little pressure and ample patience while playing?  This is the minor league baseball model - compete hard but make adjustments which could send you to the big leagues.  It requires a balance between competition and development that many fans - along with players and some coaches - have a difficult time understanding.  It is a very important part of a college player's development.          

Pitchers Pitch, period. Part 1

I'm afraid young pitchers are forgetting how to pitch.  With all of the videos showing internet sensations throwing f...

Do Not Stop Throwing: 3 Tips for College Pitching Prospects in 2020

The year of COVID-19 has forced us to look at daily life – our routine – in a new way. Distance learning, parents con...

Baseball Recruiting Video — Do You Really Need One?

Recruiting is not an exact science. I'm sure if you could interview most college coaches they will each have a story of the kid "that got away" or "they completely missed on." It is not something for the weak minded or feint of heart, this recruiting thing.
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