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Tip #20, High School, Senior Year/Plenty of Time to Make your College Choice

Congratulations to all College Commits!

National Signing Day is November 13.

Emotions are flying high at this time of the year. This is a time for families and for Division 1 and Division 2 baseball programs to celebrate attaining a lifetime dream of college baseball!  November 13 is time to put the verbal commitment to paper. Hard work has paid off.

But remember -

There are many more graduating seniors out there, still looking to attain their college baseball dream, and there is a lot more baseball to be played to help make the dream come true. More time to train, email colleges, sweat, attend showcases, and work hard.

What about the other 98%?

For every NLI signature made on November 13, there are likely 10 other seniors who are still grappling with their college choice for various reasons.  Usually, it is a "numbers game", in that college coaches have a recruiting "depth chart" and they are waiting it out to see if their top choices will come aboard.  National Signing Day dots the "i" and crosses the "t".  Once November 13 arrives, the recruiting game changes.  There will be "holdouts" and there will still be "hidden gems" who haven't yet landed. Sure, most coaches will say they have filled their 2025 class of recruits, but there is almost always a spot for a talented player. 

Don't let the "sorry, there is no more room on our roster" response immediately turn you away. 

The national signing period extends until August 1, 2025, providing ample opportunity for a senior to enhance their appeal to college coaches.

"But the coach said that they have finished filling their 2025 recruiting!?"  A common question. 

There is a lot of baseball that can be played between Nov. 13 and Aug. 1 - and a lot of opportunities to show improvement (i.e. running speed, power, pitching velocity, physical size) to the same college coaches who say they have completed their recruiting.  Remember:

  • Players transfer more than ever these days.  What looks one way in November could easily change by next August.  Openings can emerge at any time.
  • No coach really wants to turn away talented players, especially those who have improved following their senior year.  Those are hungry players - coaches like hungry players.
  • In the Division 1 and 2 worlds, roster sizes are shrinking, scholarship money is increasing.  Players are changing their minds about college choices.  How many "de-committed" posts from recruits do we see on social media?  
  • College rosters change quickly for many reasons.  There will be openings.  There will be possibilities. It is not easy.  Many players and families begin to question whether or not to play in college or focus on academics.  The pressure to make a college roster can become overwhelming, making the allure of leaving the stress behind a real factor.
  • There is a fit for most every high school player.  Some players are set on a certain school, yes, but there are other opportunities.  Keep an open mind and consider all possible options.  Write your own story.

Based on my interactions with ex-college students, there's often regret about abandoning their baseball dreams. Frequently, athletes attempt a "comeback" after a year away from college sports, realizing they should have put in more effort. With their negative high school experiences far in the rear-view mirror, there's a resurgence of passion and appreciation for baseball. 

So why not find that renewed energy NOW?  As a senior?  Do not wait a year before you kick yourself for not playing.

Consider this perspective (from someone who has seen this scenario many times):  If you dedicate senior year (and possibly summer) to becoming the best student athlete possible, you will find that you're capable of reaching a level of discipline you never knew you possessed.

What a powerful life lesson—realizing that, despite giving your all and not succeeding, you can still move forward proudly and confidently in any future pursuits.  Why not use baseball as your teacher, before you take your skills into the "real world".  Don't give up on you!



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