Parents, coaches, and players alike need to work together to create a positive environment where stress is minimized, and growth is encouraged. It takes mental toughness from everyone involved to navigate the ups and downs of the game. Both victories and defeats are opportunities to learn and grow, and what might feel like a setback in the moment is often not as significant in the long run as it seems.

Online Pitching Lessons

Connect with Dennis via video to get personalized consultation, game reviews, and tailored workouts. Best for those outside of the Southeastern, CT area who want to have a baseball resource and expert in their back pocket. 

  • Consultation to understand your pitching level and style 
  • Drills and training to develop your skill set
  • Game reviews to walk through pitching outings and next steps to improve
  • Talk through how to make in-game adjustments

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Video Lessons for YOU! It's on us!

Unlimited free access to 50+ videos filled with Dennis' most effective lessons, drills, and tips for being a dominant pitcher. Watch on your phone or computer anytime, anywhere.

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