Parents, coaches, and players alike need to work together to create a positive environment where stress is minimized, and growth is encouraged. It takes mental toughness from everyone involved to navigate the ups and downs of the game. Both victories and defeats are opportunities to learn and grow, and what might feel like a setback in the moment is often not as significant in the long run as it seems.

The Best Curveball Training Tools

In my earlier post How To Throw a Great Curveball I mention a few training tools that I use around our DBI training facility regularly and you'll also see them pop up in many of my videos for online pitching lessons. Most are available on Amazon (of course) and the Pitch Stix are exclusively available via


Today, I'm rounding up some of my favorite training tools for practicing throwing the Curveball. 

Heads up: Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission if you decide to purchase. I'd never recommend training tools I don't use myself.

1. The Blue Pad

Believe it or not, this balancing pad is a great curveball trainer. Have a coach or friend hold it above your head, in your pitching arm slot. Now, slap the blue pad. Ok stop. Now instead of an open hand turn your hand as you throw like you're wrapping on a door. Boom. That's your curveball hand position. To learn more about how I use this to teach the curveball, checkout my post how to throw a curveball.  


2. Curveball Pitch Stix



The Pitch Stix now come in multiple shape and sizes to promote proper throwing action for baseball and softball players. However, the Pitch Stix was first and foremost developed as a Curveball trainer. The Curveball Pitch Stix (used in the video above) amplifies pitchers ability to feel the tumbling of a curveball. This previously had sometimes been done with a water bottle believe it or not, but the pitch stix allows for more realistic grip, weight and arm action.  To learn more about how I use this to teach the curveball, checkout my post how to throw a curveball.  


3. Sliding Pitch Stix 


The sliding Arm Action Trainer Pitch Stix is used to promote healthy use of the shoulder, elbow and wrist during the throwing motion. Good for all pitches including the fastball, curveball, slider and changeup. 


4. The L-Screen

Baseball L Screen

The classic L-Screen is a simple tool to help curveballs up and over the L, and tumbling down towards the batter. Check out my other post for my favorite L-screen drill here.


Now go starting practicing your curveball!

The curveball is a fun and dominant pitch to have in your arsenal. Now, let's be clear, you don't need alllll of these tools to throw a great curveball, but they can help guide your arm and motion to help develop that ever-so-helpful muscle memory.  The most important thing you can do, of course, is practice and lean on the guidance of someone who can help you fine-tune your technique and keep your arm healthy for the long haul. 


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