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College Selection Process for Baseball Players — Some Suggestions

Selecting a college is stressful. The most knowledgeable coaches and parents – those who may have gone through the process themselves and supposedly have the experience – cannot avoid the pressure of the “final” choice.

My Teaching Philosophy: Personal Pitching Power

Learn what it takes to be a great pitcher. Pitching instruction is what I have dedicated myself to for over three decades and I continue to search for more effective ways to help young pitchers understand baseball. 

The Strategy of Pitching a Baseball (and being a Chess Master)

Pitching is simply taking the gift of throwing a ball and applying some strategy to it – kind of like playing chess. Hear me out...

Summer Baseball: Focus on the Process

Where does the summer go?  Baseball parents are still hoping to get some family vacation time in before school starts.  August is a great month to reflect, relax, and re-energize body and mind.
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