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Chasing Mental Perfection - Pointer 17

How Are You Feeling About Your Game? I could give a pitcher a month's worth of drills (at least) to keep them busy an...

Pitching Easy Pointer #16, March 25, 2024 - Game Day Pitcher's Guide for Starters and Relievers

  Starting Pitchers: Clear your mind – keep outside distractions to a minimum. You get to play baseball for the next...

Pitching Easy Pointer #15, Mar. 19, 2024 - Throwing Hard, Harder, and Hardest - When are we Satisfied?

My middle school gym teacher once told us, "Throwing a ball fast takes a great deal of athleticism."  I always rememb...

Pitching Pointer #14, Feb. 23, 2024, Failing vs. Adjusting - It is All How You Perceive it.

Have you ever wished you could get one pitch back? A do-over? The one you keep thinking about and saying, "why didn't...

Pitching Pointer #13, Feb. 13, 2024. Getting the Curveball Over the Plate - Keep it Simple.

College prospects, if there are coaches coming to watch you, they likely know that you have a college level fastball - or a projectable one.  When they come out to watch you compete in a game, they are looking at your secondary stuff.  Think of it this way, an elite program wants elite secondary stuff, a lower-level college program is looking less intently at the quality of the secondary pitches.   It's up to you as to how far you want to take your pitching career.

Pointer #12 - The Baseball Mentality...Do Your Homework

When a player is trying to make a team, increase velocity, or gain power to crack a starting lineup, there is that li...

Pointer #11: Find your favorite off-speed grip

Finding the right grip on your off-speed pitches is a personal issue. Everyone has a favorite. Pitching, as much as coaches will lead you to believe otherwise, is about ruining hitters timing and making it difficult to square up a pitch...

Pointer #10: Keep in-season lifting to ONE Day per week. Can you do it?

This could be the most challenging task facing pitchers. After all, many of you added strength and size during the off-season. You do not want to lose it.  You won't - if you stick to the one day per week schedule.

Pointer #9: Keep your arm throwing

There is an old saying, "the best way to keep your pitching muscles in shape is to pitch." There is a lot of sense to this statement - as long as you listen to your body and keep moving at a comfortable effort level as you train.

Pointer #8: Two-Seam vs. Four Seam Fastball

Two-Seam vs. Four-Seam Fastball - both will help you! Most pitchers are one or the other - some use both equally. It is good to know how to throw both. Here are a few situations, of many, that support this idea...

Pointer #7: The Best Pitchers have the Best Imagination

The Best Pitchers have the Best Imagination... The combination of your pitches makes you successful. Don't stop working on your secondary stuff. As many pitchers (and parents) look to see the radar gun light up...

Pointer #6: Find ONE elite breaking pitch

Find ONE elite breaking pitch, before you try to add another. It is difficult to throw a high-level curve and slider and cutter. That is a task for the top college and pro level pitchers - and even they often struggle with...
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