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Pointer #6: Find ONE elite breaking pitch

Pointer #6 — Jan 17, 2024

Find ONE elite breaking pitch, before you try to add another.

It is difficult to throw a high-level curve and slider and cutter. That is a task for the top college and pro level pitchers - and even they often struggle with mastering them all.

Be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking you have to throw more pitches. What you see on social media often isn't an accurate or realistic representation of how pitchers are required to pitch. Everything looks amazing and easy on videos.

In reality - it takes time and patience, and more patience, to achieve success.

Some pitchers have the ability to spin a better curve than slider. It has to do with wrist mobility more than anything. A good coach will identify the best spin for you. Seek out some guidance.

Remember that a breaking pitch is thrown with conviction, not tension. If you maintain a relaxed body and use your whole body to help spin the breaker, you will develop elite consisency.


- DL

Dennis Long Signature

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