Be a pitcher first. Strength training is a close second, but it is second.
There is a fine line between working hard in the weight room and developing baseball skills that will take you to the next level.
Young players get "hooked" on strength training, especially if they had never put themselves in a planned regimen before. Adding size and strength can be an addictive thing to a young player.
"I must be getting better! Look how strong I have become!"
Let's face it, looking good in your uniform goes a long way in making a good first impression to your coach or even recruiters, but that is a small step to closing the deal to landing your dream team. Strength is very helpful, but it does not guarantee baseball success. You have given yourself a chance to be competitive for a starting position or perhaps a scholarship, yes. In the end, you must compete to seal the deal.
College baseball is filled with scholarship players who fall far short of expectations and their potential. The travel teams, showcases, and personal workouts might get you a chance to make a program, yes. Don't let that scholarship be the pinnacle of your career, but rather the door to your true greatness!
So, what do I do to ensure baseball success this year? Here are some thoughts to keep in mind so you may continue to improve.
- Create an in-season routine to maintain strength gains. It has been proven that one full body workout a week will allow a person to avoid strength loss for 18 months! A baseball season - even MLB - is far less than a year and a half, so think about reducing the frequency to one or two lift days a week. Pitchers, in particular, need to be smart about when they lift. Typically, the night or next after you pitch is optimal lift time. Relievers, who will pitch more frequently but with less of a planned schedule, should thing about dividing the lift into smaller pieces, such us upper body after an outing, then lower body after the next outing. Starters will have a number of days to recover and prepare for the next outing on a schedule.
- Listen to your body during the season but do something regularly. If your legs or body are tired, cut back the intensity of your workout on that day. As the season moves on, the rest time will be as valuable as training time.
- Mobility work is always good. The stronger your body is and the larger your muscles become, the more importance falls on the ability to relax and move the muscles with ease. Regular stretching routines are more critical than ever in the world of strength training and baseball success.
- There are many different training philosophies - find the one that fits you and stay with it. I have always said that if a pitcher is working out somewhere, he is doing a good thing for himself. While I can offer my own routine if asked, I know there are many other coaches and instructors who can provide a successful program. In the end, there are no shortcuts with any good routine. It is up to you to embrace it and stay with it.
- Running is "old school", but it works! From a guy who probably took running a bit too far - thinking that more is better - pitchers should run during the season. Keep it intense but not too long. The day after pitching can consist of a 2-mile jog, other days can be 6- 10 very hard effort sprints daily. Just enough to feel like you are working, but not enough to make you want to lie down and rest after. Remember each pitch is like a "sprint" down the mound. Jogging helps a pitcher loosen up but sprints build the ability to explode down the slope!
- Daily throwing is a great way to keep feel of your pitches - throw with a plan and keep focused on how your body is moving. There will be light days and high intent days. If you are in a slump, make a change in how much or how little you are throwing between outings.
- Pitching is a game of adjustments. If something is working, use it. If not, try to figure out a better way to throw a pitch or maybe adjust your delivery to help you find better command, for example. The beauty of making adjustments is that you can always go back to what you have been used to if you don't find improvement. Try something if you don't feel comfortable or satisfied.
- Each outing will be different - your mental focus should always at the same level. Even if you are on a hot streak, each game will have unique scenarios and cause you to adapt to the situation in front of you. Physically, we strive to maintain the same level of energy, but it often turns out that we adjust our approach based on the circumstances - internal and external. Don't stop thinking! Don't give up!
- Ask questions! You don't have to go through the season alone. If you are pitching well, you likely will stay in your zone and not need to ask around for help. Let your teammates and coaches in if you are not happy with a particular part of your game.
- Maintain a calm mind, save your self-criticism for the off season. It is easy to worry and beat yourself up if things are not going smoothly. Keep your thoughts focused on the next outing, next workout, or next conversation. Your daily routine will be your guide for physical and mental consistency. Stay with your hard work and evaluate yourself after the season, make new plans for improvement, and get back to work!
But, right now it's time to compete and get to work! Good Luck.